So, Friday was my birthday and as some of you may know, I turned the big ONE-OH, double digits! Benny and Aimee made me hide my eyes saying they had a big surprise for me. I have to say, it's not exactly a surprise when they tell me it's a
surprise, but I went along with it anyway. After they counted to 10, skipping number 7, I opened my eyes to find
Orielle with a plate full of homemade peanut butter cookies, or shall we say, a half a plate of cookies and a bunch of crumbs dangling from her lips. It was the thought that counts. After the P.B. feast, they presented me with a bunch of presents, my favorite being the digital movie camera I've been asking for. Ah, the joy of
film making -- the possibilities are endless! Afterwards, we were subjected to yet another round of Benny's magic tricks. One thing I don't understand: if he loves tennis balls so much, why does he keep making them disappear?