1. Go to your photo files and select the 6th folder.
2. Then, select the 6th photo in that folder.
3. Post the photo along with the story behind it.
4. Tag 5 of your friends to do the same thing.
So, here goes.....
Back in December.... It may appear that we were asking to come inside, but what we were really asking was, "Mom, it's snowing!!! Can you come out and play ball with us?!! P-L-E-A-S-E?"
From the left it's: Orielle, Big Schnoz Benny, cute little Aimee, and Me in the back!
So, now, it looks like I have to tag 5 of my furry friends to do the same. I'm going to tag: The Kool Kittie Krew, Sugar, Bruschi, Abby, and Selby and her Dogs.