Yup, you guessed it. Yesterday was bath day. Don't get me wrong, I love baths because it involves my favorite thing on the planet--cookies. But, all day long, Mom kept calling me her little lamb. And if that wasn't bad enough, she kept reciting:
Mary had a little lamb,
His name was Brind'Amour.
Now he's soft and fuzzy,
And not so stinky any more.
Oh Brind, you big hairy dude! It must take you furever to get dry. I hope the cookies were worth it.
Wellllllll....at times we must agree with those humans...little lamb
Benny & Lily
Hi, Brind!
I love baths too but sure you don't look very happy there!
Little lamb?? hmmm....
Kisses and hugs
Hello Brind! Wow, I really bet it does take a long time to dry your fur. I bet you go through a big box of cookies for that bath!
Hugs, Tessa
You are wayyyy too cute to ever be stinky!!
Oh geez Brind, I feel for ya.
your pal, Morgan
You do not look pleased with your mom's poetry.
you look awesome Brind!
BOL! you are one big little lamb! Silly humans! Hey if it makes you feel any better, I got a bath yesterday too!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
Your mom is a certified POET!
And you, my friend, are one clean dude.
Wow Brind...I also hope it was worth the cookies..I hope you got extra for the whole poem thing!
You don't look very happy all wet but the cookies sound gooooood. I like the poem your mom made. My mom says I am stinky and I need a bath. I am going to tell her about the cookies. Have a fun day.
I bet it will take a long time until you stay dry. I hope the cookies are worth! I love baths! xoxo
Awwww, Brin...you DO look like a little, well not so little, lamb! You are neffur stinky! We're sure you got LOTSA cookies for being such a well behaved boy! BTW...you gotta come by our pad today! We're having a B~I~G blast for Skeeter's 13th purrday! She's officially a teenager! Mom had better watch out now!
How could you ever be stinky. What is she thinking.
Are woo dry YET?
Poor Brind! We hope the cookies were worth the poetry abuse!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Just when we thought you couldn't be any cuter, we see you all wet - and it's even better :)
Cute cute cute! And a great poem - perfect for a cutie!
Hi Brinny..........it's Louie
I'm fuzzy just like you and I love it!It takes dad extra long to brush me out soooooo that means extra cookies! Gotta love that
Love Louie
where ARE you???? gone MIA again
come back as i've missed you
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