So, listen to this. I woke from a power nap yesterday and noticed something pink under the couch. I reached under and pulled it out and wouldn’t you know, it was Aimee’s missing Nintendo DS. It’s been missing since my birthday party. So I figured, since Orielle took Aimee and Benny shopping, I was left all alone to enjoy a quick game or two before they returned. But when I turned on the DS unit, the game inside was
Fashion Designer World Tour. I mean, what’s up with that? The girl doesn’t even wear fashionable clothes! I then went in search of her DS game case and found a slew of games. But, at closer inspection, found nothing I’d wanna play. I found,
Zhu Zhu Pets with Hamster Baby, Hello Kitty Party, Hamsterz Life, Style Savvy, Build-A-Bear Workshop, and
Petz Hamsterz Superstars. What is up with all the hamster games??? I know she thinks hamsters are cute but COME ON!!! Where’s all the good games like
Super Mario Brothers, Monster Truck, Speed Racer, Major League Baseball, Space Invaders, and
Cooking Mama. Okay, okay, so I like to cook!!!! Geez… a guy can’t get a break. All alone, and there’s nothing to play but furry little hamster games. Geez, Pa-Leeze!
My dogs have the same problem--When I'm gone and there's nothing on TV and they can't remember the password to my computer--What are they to do?? :-)))
That Hello Kitty Party game sounds like fun!! But the rest - not so much! And we think you forgot one of the most fun (to us at least) - Nintendogs! But we like Mario too!
We LOVES HAMsters. They sound DE~LISH! Our little sisbean keeps askin' our mom and dad for a HAMster. We totally agree with her on this one. Can you imagine??? A HAMster is a house with 4 cats?!? OH YEAH... Mom says you can come over and play Wii Zombie Games.
Is there a Hello Khytty Khooking Show?
Man, I knew I should've gotten you a game for your birthday!
I totally agree with you Brind! It could also have games dogs!
Yeah, and Mom never records anything good for me to watch on teevee while she's gone, either. I think we should set up some sort of formal protest for better gaming/programming!
*kissey face*
Hi, Brind!
Is there a way you can "upload" some of you fav games there??
I hope so!
Kisses and hugs
Rumblemum has that exact DS! She has games with zombies and one with a Professor though...
You look mighty cute my friend!!
BOL! Well look on the bright side Brind, I just had my 2 year old human cousin here visiting, and she had one of those pink computer thingy's and all it played was BARBIE!
we LOVE to help our mommy play with her DS and her DSi. she lets us tap on the screen for her!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses
Coco The Princess
Hi, Brind...
Sounds like Aimee has a thing for Hamsters...
Did you beat her score at least?
Abby xxxooo
Hi Brinny........it's Louie
OMG...she's such a girly girl.I love the girls....I love the boys, love the hamsters,birds,ducks,kittys, etc...etc...etc..love them all!!!!! Love you Brinny
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