This is Happy. And today, August 28th, is her Birthday. You might be asking, who the heck is Happy? Well, I'll tell ya. Happy was my Mom's first quadruped. Her real name was Happy but her nickname was Boogie. Don't ask. I'm hoping it had something to do with her dancing a jig all the time but you never know. Anyway, my Mom loved Happy so much that every year on her birthday Mom would have a party and serve Coffee Cake Jr.'s. Happy even got one of her own!
Now, if Happy was still with us, she'd be... how old?... um... can't really count that high. But as you can tell from these old photos, she'd be pretty darn old by now.

Today's mission is to convince Mom to let us celebrate Happy's birthday by having Coffee Cake Jr.'s tonight! Think she'll go for it?
Happy birthday to angel Happy! We hope you get those Coffee Cake Jr.'s, Brind!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I'm with M and M!
Maybe woo should have a Khoffee Khake Jr out in the yard tonight so Angel Happy gets to watch!
Hi Brind my Really BIG SWEET Furiend!!!
I say Happy Barkday to Happy!
The way I figure it is that if your Mom has been celebrating all this time then she really owes you some Coffee Cake Jr.'s! I say that your Mom is obligated to include you now! Now getting outa it, she's just got to include you and SHARE the Cakes!
woo woos, Tessa
Ppp Sss: Maybe if your Mom shares her horde of Coffee Cake Jr.'s she would be more inclined to not to have a sugar rush and then she would be able to help you blog more cause we sure do miss you!!!
I am sure Angel Happy would be happy watching you celebrating her big day!
Kisses and hugs
What a lovely to remember on her birthday. Coffee cake Jrs. are truly in order.
Hi Brinny.............it's Louie
OMG.........Happy looks sooooooo much like my mom's Andy Boy!!!!!I think I'll try that Coffee Cake Jr thing on his birthday.WOOWOO
Love Louie
Happy Birthday to Angel Happy!
Oh I sure hope so! Mom had a kat named boogie once...
Happy Barkday at The Bridge, HAPPY~!!! Our mom remembers her! She, for some reason, remembers her eating bubblegum. She was a cute woofie! Hoping you all got some Coffee Cake Jrs. in her memory!
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