Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Birthday Surprise, or Not

So, Friday was my birthday and as some of you may know, I turned the big ONE-OH, double digits! Benny and Aimee made me hide my eyes saying they had a big surprise for me. I have to say, it's not exactly a surprise when they tell me it's a surprise, but I went along with it anyway. After they counted to 10, skipping number 7, I opened my eyes to find Orielle with a plate full of homemade peanut butter cookies, or shall we say, a half a plate of cookies and a bunch of crumbs dangling from her lips. It was the thought that counts. After the P.B. feast, they presented me with a bunch of presents, my favorite being the digital movie camera I've been asking for. Ah, the joy of film making -- the possibilities are endless! Afterwards, we were subjected to yet another round of Benny's magic tricks. One thing I don't understand: if he loves tennis balls so much, why does he keep making them disappear?


Dexter said...

I am so jelly! You got a real movie camera for your birthday? Totally cool. I can't wait to see your action packed adventures.


Checkers & Chess said...

It sounds like you hadawonderful birthday - I would have let you have all of the peanut butter cookies -

Moco said...

Happy late birthday to you. Will we see more of you with the new movie camera?

Dandy Duke said...

OMG, you're 10, Brind'Amour? We thought you were just a pup!
Your peanut butter cookies sound delicious! We're so glad you had a great birthday!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...




The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

lol!!!! hahaha! we love the piccy of you hiding your eyes! happy birthday big fella!!!

Chase said...

Wow! Happy belated Barkday! I did not know it was your birthday. :-)

Sniffs and licks,


Bruschi said...

Oh how cool!! Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great day full of lots of surprises!!!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday again! We knew you were getting that movie camera (your mom spilled the beans to our mom...LOL) We are anxiously awaiting your theatrical performances! We don't get videotaped all that much, only our little human sister does (but we try to sneak in cameos every now and then). And, we LOVE you hiding your eyes, very nifty!
Love you lots,
The Cats
PS...you'll have to stop by and visit our page soon. Right now it's just a memorial to our dearly departed sister.

Honey said...

Hi there!
Very neat to get a surprise!
My question is, what outfit did you wear on your birfday?
Hugs, and cheers!

Tee said...

Wow, you got a real movie camera for your barkday! How cool is that. We hope to be seeing some of your movie making skills in action soon!

Happy Bark day again!

Licks and Wags

TUffy of Dog WOods

Lorenza said...

I can't wait to see your movies!
Glad you had a pawesome day!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

Hey little dude, stop by my bloggy. I left you an award.


Louie Magooey said...

Hi Brinny..............it's Louie

Mama sure is funny....eating your birthday cookies!Oh and Brin, looking really fit at the big 10

Love Louie