Second, I received this "One Lovely Blog Award" from The TN Bull Terrors. This award says....
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award on up to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. And third, I received "The Pawsome Blog Award" from my good friend Vodka. This award is presented to those dog bloggers out there who know the meaning of GREATNESS. Their blogs are consistently interesting, funny, or informative. Their KINDNESS is extended to others without expectation of its return, and their FRIENDSHIP inspires others to do EXTRAORDINARY things. These are the blogs you can’t wait to read everyday. In short, they are AWE-INSPIRING, full of wonder, and simply PAWsome! Pass this award on to 4 others who you feel exemplify a “Paw”some Blog, and leave a note saying why you think they deserve the Pawsome Award!”
Vodka also passed along to me the "One Lovely Blog Award" as well as the "Proximity Award." Thank you Vodka! And, thanks to Tuffy and The TN Bull Terrors who have passed these along to me. I know that most of my friends already have these awards, so I would like to pass all these awards along to any of my followers who might be missing one. Thanks everyone, you're "paw"some!!!
Hi Brind'Amour!!!
Congrats for all the awards :D
You deserve all theme :D
hugs and kisses from kikos world
kiko attached one award to your bloge :D
If you want it, come to my litle house and claim it, ok? :D
auf auf
hugs and kisses from kikos world
No doggie deserves the awards more than you Brind'Amour - Congrats to you!!!!!!
Congratulations on your awards!
Well deserved!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Brind,
Congratulations Big Hairy Dude! You are SO deserving of all those awards!
Wags & wiggles,
You are one popular doggie. Congrats! my friend.
Harry in Beantown
Congratulations on your awards, Brind'Amour! You deserve them all and more!
We just love your purple blog background! It's sure a beautiful color!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi's Louie
You the man Brin!!!!!
Love Louie
Congrats on all your awards!!!
best regards
Wow Brin!
Too bad our human Mom is so spastic when it comes to computers, otherwise, we would send some to you, but since she is a spaz and we don't have thumbs (to type)...LOL You can't get any from us, just know deep down in your heart we sent a bunch (telepathically)...LOL
The Cats
RIP--> Scooter
Congrats on your awards! We have one more for you. Stop by our blog for info.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
We enjoyed our visit w/ you!!!
We'll be back for sure!
Hugs and Rubs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
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